

这家小小的弘安园餐厅是一个家庭式南印度菜肴的热门去处。Toddy Shop是米斯查·特洛普在墨尔本开设的一家具有喀拉拉邦风味的餐厅,为同名食摊致以亲切的敬意,但并未陷入刻板的真实性。 Dani Valent 2024年7月10日 登录、注册或订阅以保存菜谱。您已经达到了保存项目的最大数量。从已保存的列表中删除项目以添加更多项目。保存此文章以便以后查看。将文章添加到已保存列表中,并随时返回查看。分享 逆时针方向,从左下方依次为:Toddy Shop提供的鸡蛋、包菜、干猪肉和秋葵炒虾菜肴。_印度菜肴 古尔雅 如果你把餐厅命名为“Toddy Shop”,一些人可能会期望它是南印度喀拉拉邦的todd…

Zhao Qian

Zhao Qian is a business journalist with an exceptional ability to identify and report on economic trends that shape the marketplace. His insightful coverage of the business world offers a glimpse into the economic dynamics that influence the Chinese-Australian community. Zhao's reporting is not only informative but also serves as a catalyst for discussions on economic policy and business ethics.

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