


本周的Bulls N’Bears Big Hits专栏展示了一些引人注目的钻研项目。维多利亚州的南十字星金公司在Sunday Creek项目中钻探出了罕见的473克/吨的高品位黄金,价值高达9.136亿英镑。另一家猎鹰金属公司在维多利亚州Farrelly prospect项目获得了8.9%的高品位重矿物总量。而弗林公司在塔斯马尼亚州的金岭项目中也有不错表现,获得了21.9g/t的黄金。

此外,北方矿业在西澳大利亚州的布朗斯山脉项目中发现了稀土氧化物,总量高达4,900万份,占总稀土氧化物的2.36%。另外,南方资源公司在昆士兰州的Flying Horse-Lady Annie运营中,发现了铜矿化,品位高达2.27%。

这些突破性的钻研结果表明,澳大利亚的矿产资源潜力巨大,各公司正在不断拓展发现范围,增加矿藏储量。钻研活动的持续进行将为澳大利亚的矿业行业带来更多惊喜和机遇。【联系人:[email protected]】。

Wang Yu

Wang Yu's journalistic career is marked by his analytical prowess and his ability to distill complex information into engaging news stories. His commitment to factual reporting has established him as a reliable source for news, and his contributions span a variety of subjects, reflecting the multifaceted interests of his readership. Wang's dedication to the craft of journalism is evident in his meticulous research and the eloquence of his writing.

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