Paws & Play:Chermside 的新款 Cafe Table 26 适合狗和孩子


切姆赛德韦斯特菲尔德的最新咖啡馆Table 26和26 Paws狗狗美容沙龙已经开业。这两个地方都位于购物中心内,是可以为家庭提供全方位服务的地方。

Table 26餐厅适合所有家庭,提供了一个封闭式儿童游乐区,让家长可以放心用餐,同时还有专门的户外区域,欢迎宠物的到来,并且有特殊的狗狗菜单。家长在享受美食的同时,孩子和宠物也能安全地玩耍。

26 Paws是一家专门为狗狗提供美容服务的五星级店铺。无论是洗澡、修剪还是吹干,他们都提供高质量的服务。经验丰富的员工能够根据每只狗狗的需要进行个性化服务,让主人们放心。

如果你是爱吃、有孩子和狗,并且时间有限,那么Table 26和26 Paws将是你的绝佳选择。这种家庭友好型的场所在切姆赛德韦斯特菲尔德是首次出现,为喜欢逛商场的家庭们带来了新的去处。赶紧带着孩子和宠物来体验一番吧!

Wang Yu

Wang Yu's journalistic career is marked by his analytical prowess and his ability to distill complex information into engaging news stories. His commitment to factual reporting has established him as a reliable source for news, and his contributions span a variety of subjects, reflecting the multifaceted interests of his readership. Wang's dedication to the craft of journalism is evident in his meticulous research and the eloquence of his writing.

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