

麦卢卡购物区近日迎来了一波美容服务的扩张。总体塑形店Total Body Contouring即将迎来一位经验丰富的医生,提供更多可注射治疗服务,包括生物再生剂、疤痕治疗、面部减肥注射等。同时,牙科诊所Symmetry Dental提供普通牙科、预防牙科和整体牙科服务,为客户提供一站式牙齿护理。此外,珠宝店Diamonds Manuka将专注于澳大利亚宝石制作,满足顾客个性化需求。支撑性鞋店Happy Fit Footwear也在区域设立第二家分店,为寻求支撑性鞋的顾客提供更多选择。而临床医生杰恩·阿姆斯特朗的皮肤科诊所Contours de Femme则搬迁至金斯敦,继续为客户提供专业的皮肤护理和水疗服务。这些新服务的引入将为当地居民带来更多美容选择。

Ma Lin

Ma Lin is a sports journalist with an infectious enthusiasm for the world of sports. His coverage extends beyond the play-by-play to delve into the personal journeys of athletes and the broader impact of sports on society. Ma's vivid reporting captures the excitement of the game while fostering a deeper appreciation for the role of sports in cultural exchange.

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