

首先是布雷德伍德,距离堪培拉仅一个小时车程。这个典型的乡村小镇有许多乡村酒吧、咖啡馆和面包店,包括DOJO Bread、Braidwood Bakery、Nerson’s、Albion Café、Casanovas 和Provisions Deli & Creperie。
Jugiong距离布雷德伍德90分钟车程,这里有Long Track Pantry、历史悠久的乔治爵士和Jugiong酒窖等地方,非常适合在城市里享用美食。而橙色距离堪培拉只有三个半小时车程,是澳大利亚著名的美食目的地之一,特别适合葡萄酒爱好者。
最后,澳大利亚南海岸的伊甸园也是个不错的选择,这里不仅有美丽的海景还有新鲜的海鲜。Seahorse Inn、Eden Fish & Chips和Great Southern Inn都是当地供应新鲜海鲜的餐馆。无论你选择哪里,都能满足你对美食的渴望。

Li Wei

Li Wei is a distinguished journalist with a rich history of covering significant events across the Asia-Pacific corridor. With a talent for narrative storytelling and a dedication to ethical journalism, Li has become a prominent figure in the media industry, known for his in-depth analysis and comprehensive reporting on a wide array of topics, from international politics to local community developments. His investigative work has earned him several accolades, and he continues to be a leading voice in championing press freedom.

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