



从塔可(taco)到汉堡,这里提供的晚餐优惠涵盖了梅特兰(Maitland)、塞斯诺克(Cessnock)、新堡(Newcastle)、湖区(Lake Macquarie)、辛顿(Singleton)和波特斯蒂芬斯(Port Stephens)等地,绝对能让您尽享美食而不心痛。

图片:The Dockyard

## 星期一

**Vincent St Kitchen | Cessnock**
$15 披萨

**Harrigan’s Hunter Valley | Cessnock**
$24 炖肉

**The Prince of Merewether | Merewether**
$16 披萨和意大利面

**The Dockyard | Newcastle**
$20 玉米片或塔可

**The Clarendon Hotel | Newcastle**
$20 牛排

**The Nags Head Hotel | Adamstown**
$15 三个塔可

**The Mary Ellen Hotel | Merewether**
$18.50 香煎鸡胸

**The Exchange Hotel | Hamilton**
$18 250克牛臀肉

**Pelican RSL Club | Pelican *仅限会员**
$7 炸鱼和薯条

**The Royal Hotel | Singleton**
$15 汉堡和翅膀

**The Horse & Jockey Hotel | Singleton**
$15 披萨

**The Hunter River Hotel | Maitland**
$18 面包屑香煎鸡胸配薯条和沙拉

**The Windsor Castle Hotel | Maitland. *仅限会员**

**The George Tavern | Maitland**
$18 牛排

**Queens Wharf Hotel | Newcastle**
$15 8英寸披萨

**Hotel Jesmond | Jesmond**
$14 香煎鸡胸

## 星期二

**The Whistler | Maitland**
$1.50 饺子

**Cessnock Leagues Club | Cessnock**
$16 香煎鸡胸

**Vincent St Kitchen | Cessnock**
$15 披萨

**Harrigan’s Hunter Valley | Cessnock**
$20 香煎鸡胸

**Valley Brewhouse | Nulkaba**
$5 塔可

**The Prince of Merewether | Merewether**
$18 香煎鸡胸和$22 牛臀肉

**The Dockyard | Newcastle**
$20 香煎鸡胸及配料

**The Clarendon Hotel | Newcastle**
$18 披萨

**The Nags Head Hotel | Adamstown**
$17 香煎鸡胸

**The Mary Ellen Hotel | Merewether**
$25 牛臀肉

**The Exchange Hotel | Hamilton**
$18 披萨和意大利面

**Pippi’s At The Point | Speers Point**
$16 香煎鸡胸

**Hotel Wangi | Wangi Wangi**
$18 香煎鸡胸或250克牛臀肉

**Swansea RSL | Swansea**
$15.40 牛臀肉

**The Royal Hotel | Singleton**
$17 牛排和肋骨

**The Horse & Jockey Hotel | Singleton**
$15 汉堡

**The Bank Hotel | Maitland**
$20 汉堡与啤酒

**The Windsor Castle Hotel | Maitland. *仅限会员**
$24 羊排

**The George Tavern | Maitland**
$18 汉堡

**The Cheeky Dog | Soldiers Point**
$18 千层面和蒜香石喷烤面包

**Lakeside Village Tavern | Raymond Terrace**
$18 牛排

**The Great Northern Hotel | Newcastle**
$16 香煎鸡胸

**Delaney Hotel | Cooks Hill**
$20 汉堡和薯条

**Hotel Jesmond | Jesmond**
$17 牛臀肉

图片:Mary Ellen Hotel

## 星期三

**Harrigan’s Hunter Valley | Cessnock**
$28 半根排骨

**Valley Brewhouse | Nulkaba**
$18 汉堡

**The Dockyard | Newcastle**
$20 汉堡

**The Commonwealth Hotel | Cooks Hill**
$20 鲈鱼和牛臀肉

**The Clarendon Hotel | Newcastle**
$18 汉堡和薯条

**The Nags Head Hotel | Adamstown**
$17 汉堡

**The Mary Ellen Hotel | Merewether**
$20 塔可

**The Exchange Hotel | Hamilton**
$18 玉米片和法耶塔

**The Cricketers Arms Hotel | Cooks Hill**
$18 香煎鸡胸

**Jewells Tavern | Jewells**
$15 香煎鸡胸

**Pelican RSL | Pelican. *仅限会员**
$18 香煎鸡胸

**Hotel Wangi | Wangi Wangi**
$18 香煎鸡胸或250克牛臀肉

**Swansea RSL | Swansea**
$14.30 香煎鸡胸

**The Royal Hotel | Singleton**
$15 香煎鸡胸配薯条和沙拉

**The Grand Junction Hotel | Maitland**
$1 翅膀

**The Bank Hotel | Maitland**
$15 香煎鸡胸

**The Hunter River Hotel | Maitland**
$22 煤烧牛排配薯条和沙拉

**The George Tavern | Maitland**
$18 披萨之夜

**The Cheeky Dog | Soldiers Point**
$21 瞬间苏格兰羊羔和薯条

**Lakeside Village Tavern | Raymond Terrace**
$18 汉堡

**Wests | Nelson Bay. *仅限会员**
$15 披萨

**Queens Wharf Hotel | Newcastle**
$18 香煎鸡胸

## 星期四

**Harrigan’s Hunter Valley | Cessnock**
$25 牛排和薯条

**Valley Brewhouse | Nulkaba**
$18 1公斤翅膀

**The Dockyard | Newcastle**
$25 牛臀肉

**The Clarendon Hotel | Newcastle**
$18 香煎鸡胸

**Modus Brewery | Merewether**
$1 翅膀

**The Exchange Hotel | Hamilton**
$18 香煎鸡胸

**Jewells Tavern | Jewells**
$15 汉堡

**Swansea RSL | Swansea**
$15.40 炖肉

**The Bank Hotel | Maitland**
$15 牛臀肉

**The Hunter River Hotel | Maitland**
$18 面包屑香煎鸡胸配薯条和沙拉

**The George Tavern | Maitland**
$18 香煎鸡胸

**The Neath Hotel | Neath**
$12.50 香煎鸡胸

**The Cheeky Dog | Soldiers Point**
$10 鸡翅

**Lakeside Village Tavern | Raymond Terrace**
$18 香煎鸡胸

**Wests | Nelson Bay. *仅限会员**
$15 披萨

**The Great Northern Hotel | Newcastle**
$25 牛排

**The Lucky Hotel | Newcastle**
$20 牛排

**Queens Wharf Hotel | Newcastle**
$5 塔可

**Hotel Jesmond | Jesmond**
$12 汉堡


**The Horse & Jockey Hotel | Singleton**
$18 200克牛排

**The Grand Junction Hotel | Maitland**
$16 鸡翅篮

**The Royal Oak Hotel | Cessnock**
$16 披萨

**The Neath Hotel | Neath**
$25 排骨和牛臀肉

**The Mighty | Pokolbin**
$12.50 1公斤鸡翅

**The Caledonian Hotel | Singleton**
$16 披萨

**The Horse & Jockey Hotel | Singleton**
$18 苏格兰牛排



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Sun Jing

Sun Jing is an award-winning investigative journalist whose fearless pursuit of the truth has brought critical issues to the forefront of public discourse. Her exposés have prompted policy changes and have held those in power accountable. Sun's unwavering commitment to uncovering the facts has solidified her reputation as a pillar of journalistic integrity.

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