

MSWA的重点是为澳大利亚西部神经系统疾病患者提供重要支持和服务。这包括患有多发性硬化症、中风、帕金森病、亨廷顿病、运动神经元病和脑损伤等疾病的患者。Debbie Evans就是这些人之一。她患有多发性硬化症,这种疾病是免疫系统攻击大脑和脊髓的结果。这种疾病让她对体育、武术、心灵工作以及她28年的教师工作的热情停止了。这是一种无法治愈的疾病。症状开始于Debbie 20多岁时,几年内,她的生活就永远改变了。视力问题、视觉模糊和称为视神经炎的疾病开始出现。她的症状进一步演变成持续的不适感,感觉手脚上被沙子覆盖的感觉。然后是手臂和腿部的肌肉无力、协调困难和痉挛性。她从拄拐杖走路到用轮椅,现在需要MSWA Butler住宿的护理人员的日常帮助,她已经在那里住了两年。

Chen Ling

Chen Ling's writing is characterized by her empathetic approach to storytelling and her focus on the human element of news. Her features capture the heart of the Chinese-Australian experience, highlighting the triumphs and challenges faced by the community. Chen's ability to connect with her audience through her writing has made her a beloved figure among her readers, and her work continues to shed light on the stories that matter.

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