

在食物和葡萄酒中 embracing seasonality 和transience,这家酒吧很特别。 但是,首先,有一个免责声明…… 我远不是对 Wines of While 故事陌生。在过去的六年里,我广泛地写了关于 William Street 酒吧的文章,从开业之前到现在。我在酒吧洗过盘子,放过记录,并在举办的活动中烤过北泰香肠。我曾在过去的工作中从艾玛那里委托过工作,我认为她是一位杰出的写手和摄影师。我还曾请汤姆在多年来举办的各类派对上做 DJ。我把这些写出来是为了透明,并希望您能相信我,尽量写得诚实,没有偏袒或偏见。然而,第二点考虑更多的是职业上的。自酒吧管理层变化以来,酒吧并没有固定的厨师,而是邀请厨师在厨房里管理,但无论他们能管理多长时间。有时一个这样的突击会持续几个月。有时会量周。其他时候只是一夜之间。无论居住时间多长,厨房的临时性使得为 Wines of While 写一份餐厅评论变得棘手,至少对于把餐厅评论用来帮助决定去哪里用餐和吃什么的读者来说。

Wang Yu

Wang Yu's journalistic career is marked by his analytical prowess and his ability to distill complex information into engaging news stories. His commitment to factual reporting has established him as a reliable source for news, and his contributions span a variety of subjects, reflecting the multifaceted interests of his readership. Wang's dedication to the craft of journalism is evident in his meticulous research and the eloquence of his writing.

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