Leaps and Bounds:以下是墨尔本热闹的内北音乐节上所有隐藏的宝石


墨爾本音樂節Leaps and Bounds將於7月25日至28日回歸,為期四天的活動將在阿伯茨福、科林伍德、菲茲羅伊、菲茨羅伊北和里士滿展開。這場音樂盛宴將呈現多元化的現場表演,慶祝當地音樂文化,讓這些在冬季時段通常比較冷清的場地、音樂家和企業獲得支持。

Leaps and Bounds音樂節的初衷是幫助支持墨爾本冬季傳統上比較寂靜的時期的所有本地場地、音樂家和企業。多年來,這個活動慢慢演變成了墨爾本市Yarra區文化景觀中不可或缺的一部分。

近年來,Leaps and Bounds音樂節的陣容包括Emma Donovan、The Fauves、Porpoise Spit、The Maggie Pills等知名音樂人。除了大型活動如Punters Club Reunion Show和RocKwiz Live之外,還有各種小規模活動、文化展示和社區電台策劃的活動。

今年7月,Leaps and Bounds音樂節將帶來最新的版本,前來參加的民眾可以期待在阿伯茨福、科林伍德、菲茲羅伊、菲茨羅伊北和里士滿共四天的時間裡體驗到煥然一新的風貌。有關節目單的詳情,請到音樂節官方網站查看。

Li Wei

Li Wei is a distinguished journalist with a rich history of covering significant events across the Asia-Pacific corridor. With a talent for narrative storytelling and a dedication to ethical journalism, Li has become a prominent figure in the media industry, known for his in-depth analysis and comprehensive reporting on a wide array of topics, from international politics to local community developments. His investigative work has earned him several accolades, and he continues to be a leading voice in championing press freedom.

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