


AEDA总经理格雷格·拉奇对此表示欢迎,称阿德莱德以高品质的酒店产品、精彩的活动、美食和葡萄酒文化吸引游客自然。他强调,即使有新酒店开业,但预订量仍保持强劲,创下新纪录。四月份的重大活动如LIV高尔夫和AFL Gather Round吸引了成千上万的游客,让他们沉浸在城市的各种魅力中。

旅游部长佐伊·贝蒂森表示,阿德莱德酒店入住率的增加为旅游业和酒店业带来了好处。她表示,游客人数的增加有助于餐饮业创造更多收入,也有助于吸引更多游客来南澳大利亚州旅游。贝蒂森还提到,继续支持类似LIV高尔夫和AFL Gather Round等活动,将进一步推动旅游业和酒店业的发展。

He Ping

He Ping is an environment reporter with a passion for sustainability and a dedication to environmental advocacy. His reporting on ecological issues is both informative and inspiring, encouraging readers to engage with environmental conservation efforts. He Ping's work highlights the interconnectedness of global communities and the shared responsibility for our planet's health.

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